About Mysmartkid / Myslimkind

About MySmartKid


Please note that on submission of subscription your account will immediately be deducted R329.  Thereafter R329 will be deducted every 2 months on your strike date.

Subscription cancellation: A months notice is required for cancellation of a subscription.  A subscription can not be cancelled once a debit order and order has be processed.

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 The brand is open up to anyone that wants to purchase it. CONCEPTS will be our introductory Theme that will have your backpack and growing up book.

The Mysmartkid programme follows the South African National Curriculum to ensure that a child reaches each of the important developmental milestones necessary for school. These developmental areas are as follows:

Wellbeing focuses on good health and the development of physical skills such as gross and fine motor skills.

Identity refers to the strong sense of self which is essential for a child’s transition from new-born to self-assured adult.

Creativity centres on problem-solving, critical thinking, self-awareness and imagination.

Concepts help to develop body awareness and spatial orientation as well as the understanding of sizes, shapes, numbers and colours.

Communication forms the foundation of the skills children need for language and speech development.

My World is the area in which children learn about their environment through their sensory experiences.


Mysmartkid is South Africa's leading programme for Early Childhood Development (ECD 0-6years)! Here are the top fifteen reasons to join today and give your child a smart start:

1. When you join Mysmartkid, you get two free welcome gifts – a kiddies’ backpack worth R175 and an Early Childhood Development handbook for parents. Your first debit order will be R329 (delivery included).

2. Thereafter for only R329 (delivery included) every two months, your little one gets a Smartbox filled with age-appropriate toys, educational products and tailor-made information and activities. You can cancel you subscription at any time!

3. We offer the only fully-fledged Afrikaans programme of this kind in the form of Myslimkind! Members receive all communication, guides, activities, and books in Afrikaans.

4. Ours is the only programme of its kind with a dedicated panel of experts to guide you through all developmental areas from before birth until your munchkin goes to primary school!

5. Our expert team consists of an educational psychologist, counselling psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and art psychotherapist.

6. The programme is based on the South African Department of Education's National Curriculum Framework for ECD (0-6years).

7. We address your child's emotional, physical, cognitive and social development with six developmental areas – Wellbeing, Identity, Creativity, Concepts, Communication and My World.

8. Each Smartbox also contains a full-colour Parent Guide which explains the purpose of the contents of the box with great ideas and fun activities.

9. Through playing and learning we take the guesswork out of helping your child meet all their milestones!

Oor MySlimKind

Die MySlimKind program gaan nie op ‘n inskrywing basis opereer nie. Die produkte kan gekoop word deur enige iemand wat daarin belangstel. Die inleidende tema sal KONSEPTE wees en sal die rugsak en die Stap-vir-Stap Grootword boek bevat.

Die Myslimkind-program volg die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Kurrikulum om te verseker dat kinders al die belangrike ontwikkelingsmylpale vir skool bereik. Hierdie ontwikkelingsareas is as volg:

Welstand fokus op gesondheid en fisieke ontwikkeling van groot en klein motoriese vaardighede.

Identiteit verwys na ‘n sterk sin van self wat noodsaaklik is vir ‘n kind om van pasgeborene tot selfversekerde volwassene te groei.

Kreatiwiteit sentreer om probleemoplossing, kritiese denke, selfbewustheid en verbeelding.

Konsepte help kinders om liggaamsbewustheid en ruimtelike oriëntasie te ontwikkel en kosepte soos grootte, vorms, syfers en kleure te verstaan.

Kommunikasie is die vereiste grondslag vir kinders om taal-, spraak- en luistervaardighede te vestig.

My Wêreld is die area wat kinders leer om hul omgewing te ken deur middel van sensoriese ervarings.

About MySmartKid Primary School

These Smart Boxes are not subscription-based so parents can purchase a box that can be used for the entire year. Certain items will be useful in terms one and two whilst others will reinforce topics covered in the second half of the year. These boxes are a keeper and should be referenced throughout the year and possibly into the next as well.

Following the success of our early childhood development programme, we bring you the Grade 1 Smart Box. Parents, teachers and tutors can now purchase a box that facilitates learning in the areas of Maths, Language and Life Skills in a fun and interactive way.

The content of each box consists of age-appropriate learning tools in one of these subject areas plus games and other products that reinforce the skills being learned at school this year. The Smart Box does not replace the teacher or homework but it does enhance learning because it does not feel like learning!

The Mysmartkid programme is aligned with the South African National Curriculum to help a child reach important milestones at school. These are:

1. English language listening, reading and speaking: The items in this box will help with literacy and early language concepts. Reading, comprehension and sentence construction are covered and attention given to the fine motor skills required for writing.

2. Life skills: Enables your child to make well-informed, healthy choices and to practice behaviours that contribute to the well-being of themselves and others. Learning areas covered in this box include self-awareness and self-image. Manners, responsibility and social skills are addressed with emphasis on communication.

3.Early Maths concepts: This box assist with numeracy, operations and number relationships as well as critical thinking, mental maths and visual discrimination. The concept of time is introduced and provision made for all-important free play to drive home new learning.

Reasons to buy a Smart Box today and give your child a smart start?

1. Ours is the only programme of its kind to guide you through helping your child navigate primary school subjects

2. Our endorsements consist of Primary School Head of department, remedial teacher, ……

3. The programme is aligned with the South African Department of Education's National Curriculum

4. We address your child's emotional, physical, cognitive and social development within the framework of primary school foundation phase subjects – Language, Maths and Life Skills.

5. Each Smartbox also contains a full-colour Parent Guide which explains the purpose of the contents of the box with great ideas and fun activities.